Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blog 8: The Concept of the Other

a) give a description of your "other."
My "other" would be a douchebag from Long Island that loves Math, The Islanders, would probably hate his family and watch The Jersey Shore, and would probably not use his/her brain often.

b) explain what it is about it that makes you feel such opposition to it

I just genuinely HATE those things with all of my heart and soul, and knowing that there's someone out there that is like that makes my blood boil.

c) discuss what has happened or would happen in situations where you have to interact with someone who belongs to "the other" as you define it. You should make sure that you do not write something offensive to members of that group, but at the same time if you keep good manners you should express your ideas openly.

I would keep my distance, keep my mouth shut because I know if I'm thrown in a situation where I need to speak with someone that fits that bill, I'm just going to open my mouth and possibly really hurt someone. If I don't like you and you challenge me on it, I'll tell you straight up.

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